Banish Headaches by Sex

If you experience frequent headaches or migraines, sex turned out to be a substitute for aspirin. In 1988, a female patient inspires doctor from Oklahoma suggested the relationship between migraine headache with sexual activity. Patients are told not require medication for his headache, but it requires a phone number of a man.

James Couch, a neurologist at the Medical Center of Oklahoma, USA more interested to explore these issues with a psychological approach. Then he made a study, involving 84 women who experience headache problems. All women were given instructions, to make love if you feel a headache. As a result, two of the three women feel the pain of his head is reduced, although sometimes accompanied by nausea.

According to researchers at the Oklahoma Health Center, it may happen because, when having sex the body release endorphins and hormones that can relieve pain through nerve stimulation during orgasm.

Percentage is, 61 percent from 84 of the women who get headaches, feel less pain. The conclusion the study, before taking aspirin to ward off headaches, you should try sex first. At least, not directly given the body of chemical compounds, right?

However, different from women, in some men, sex can actually cause headaches. By Randolph Evans, professor of neurological at Baylor College of Medicine, USA, lovemaking will trigger someone who already has a history of migraines and headaches. This condition is mostly attacking the men.

"When I start sexual activity will appear headache with pain in the neck. This will continue until completion of sexual activity. And, there are also types of headache that appeared only during orgasm "Evans said.

But you do not worry, it was more hit men and the number is only about 1 percent. The symptoms are called coital cephalalgia. The possibility of head pain is due to Viagra or other stimulants that are often consumed by men.

Although sex can reduce headaches, if the pain is constantly experienced, you should also check this problem to the doctor. The goal, for your headaches can be detected and treated medically.

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