In order to Appear More Fresh and Younger

Who says only plastic surgery can make a face look younger? When in fact without plastic surgery, you can still look fresh and youthful. The trick is simple, really. Follow this simple trick!

This trick you can do anytime and anywhere. In addition to easy, you do not need to feel the pain of an injection through a plastic surgery procedure. And of course, your wallet is not depleted. Check out the trick, so in the new year, the appearance also looks new!

1. Haircuts between chin and shoulder. Haircut length between the chin and shoulder can refresh the appearance. If your hair is long and curly it would not hurt, try a new coiffure. Add a little layer. With this new haircut, you can overlook to see the appearance of your stone.

2. Playing the color of lipstick. In addition to haircuts, you too can look younger with the game on the lipstick color. The trick is to use the lipstick color brown as a base to form a shadow. Then, mix with your flagship glossy lipstick. Glossy impression will make you look younger, and tempting!

3. Use blush and eye shadow cream form. Increasing age, the skin tends to become dry. For that to look beautiful makeup, use eye shadow and blush on the form of cream. The content of cream in it can make perfect makeup stick in the skin. Especially for dry skin types.

4. Eyelash makeup. Tapering lashes can make your eyes stand out. And, there are some tricks for the perfect mascara stick on your eyelashes. Use mascara before eyelash curler. Make sure the mascara is completely dry before you are pinned. Your eyes will definitely look bright and fresh.

5. Natural eyebrows. Smoothed his eyebrows did not hurt. But not too much pull. If too many eyebrows lifted, you will tend to thicken with eyebrow pencil. It will make the face look older.

6. Prevent the dark circles under the eyes appear. If you are not getting enough sleep and too many late nights, dark circles will appear to the eye. In addition, the skin looks dull and not fresh. And of course you look old. For that, make sure you sleep with enough, and do not forget to eat fresh fruits and vegetables to remain ageles
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How to Expel Hungry Moot

Never experienced hunger due to excessive stress? If you often, you should not let your emotional state to drive your appetite. Because, you feel hungry during stress, not the actual hunger, but hunger apparent. When this is realized, you can prevent this hunger before your body is getting stretched. Well, for overeating because of stress is not sustainable, follow the tips below.

1. Do not miss breakfast
Skipping breakfast can mean starting the day with one step. Believe it or not, it can make you overeat throughout the day. You see, your mind will validate your greed with reason, "After all, I do not eat breakfast, snacking is a bit heavier than usual ...."

2. Eat only when hungry
Before eating anything, make sure your self again, if you're really hungry and need food. If the answer is 'yes,' enjoy every bribe your food. After feel full, stop eating for 4 hours. However, if the answer is 'no', never touching or looking for food. Because maybe then you'd need other than food.

3. Think of full time
This section is the most difficult to put into practice. Satiety, according to some experts, will come 20 minutes after eating. This you can think of to eat slowly in small portions-small bribes alone. Fill the stomach with plain water first. First meal of vegetables, the other new. So, when a period of 20 minutes that you spend, the food intake has not so much. In other words, eat little else has made you full.

4. Warm interlude
Warm beverages can immediately create a feeling of satiety, at least for some time, waiting for the meal arrives. So, instead of eating chocolate cake, better hurry and sip hot tea (preferably not use sugar because high calories). This method is a powerful way to spit out a false hunger.

5. Prepare fiber foods
If you have not managed to calm himself with no food, no other strategy is quite telling. Replace the jar containing nuts or cheese cake on your desk with some fruit (apples, pears, bananas), bread wheat, or fruit salad.

The body takes longer to digest foods high in fiber. That is, after eating it, you'll feel full longer. Value added: You do not have to worry about calories because calories low average.
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Character Love Is Like your father?

My relationship and father are very close. Maybe, because I was the only daughter in the family. But without realizing it, I always choose lovers who figure and character similar to the father. Is that fair? Why can affect my father in choosing a mate?

In looking for a partner very closely with the child can figure their parents. If men generally look for mother figures, whereas women usually find a figure who like his father. Especially if the father figure of quality. There are two things that most make women 'fall in love' from his father figure, the personality and success factors.

Dad's career success, success will be judged in terms of material has a big responsibility. No wonder, a woman who grew up in affluent families often choose a partner ambitious or hard working, like his father.

But, you should be careful not to get stuck a father figure. If the similarity with the father's lover in things good and positive, you should be grateful. Because, it could also help develop positive relationships with the lover.

However, if you're looking for similarity was not as big as you expect, should not have to be too disappointed. Who knows it turns out you have to adopt either the admirable characteristics of the father as decisive, wise, strong, so the pair you need precisely the opposite, for you and your partner complement each other.

But, if the resemblance to his father's lover is in the negative things, then you alert. Basically difficult to change the characters that have been formed from the pair. But, if the relationship continues, then you will face the same atmosphere as you were a child.

Therefore, before moving to the level of marriage, see a psychologist to discuss the problems you face. If you already understand the evil pair and realize that you are difficult to change, now the choice is yours whether to continue the relationship with a number of consequences that have been realized, or choose to break.

Maria Susana
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Children Allowance after Divorce

When deciding a divorce, affairs are not just separated. Typically, the divorce court's decision requires that parents (especially the father's side) to provide financial support for children and former wives. But, in practice not a few ex-husbands who neglect this obligation. So, what to do for ex-husband would share the cost for children?

If divorce ends well, compromise and personal approach can be done to solve this problem. However, if the divorce ended worse, would be difficult for a wife or mother and children together to discuss this with ex-husband.
Therefore, before the 'fight', you should have a preparation, among others:
- Discuss child support before deciding to divorce. Make a deal before undergoing divorce trial. Besides not wasting time, this method also could make the ex-husband better understand the needs of children.

- Dispose of egos, and think about the interests of children.

- Describe the need for child support in detail, despite the ex-husband will give or not. At least, based on the decision letter, you have proof, so that when questioned in the future, not picking on you.

- When making the content of allowances, do not just think about the monthly fee for this moment. Also taking into account their future by asking the education or health insurance.

- Do not rely 100% on the ex-husband. Before really 'escape' from the husband, you should already have their own income. The trouble is if you're not working. You have to find a job
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Myths About Male Impotence

Many myths that developed around male impotence. You and your partner should be able to distinguish between fact and myth. Here are some myths that circulated among the men. It is time, you both know the facts.

- Myth: 'A real man' never impotent
Fact: All men aged over 30 have experienced impotence at least once in his life. It describes more than 150 million men worldwide have experienced impotence. The possibility that number will increase to 300 million or more.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man's ability to maintain erection during lovemaking. Impotence is not related to the problem of libido, inability to ejaculate and reach orgasm.

- Myth: Impotence related psychological problems
Fact: Impotence associated psychological problems percentage is less than 20 percent. Diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and prostate cancer is the most common cause of impotence. Stress, and loss of confidence is a secondary factor causes of impotence.

- Myth: Impotence is a part of aging
Fact: Although the impotence experienced by many aged men, but on average are experiencing impotesi that have diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. So, why is not the age but the specific disease.

- Myth: Impotence is not no cure
Fact: In the world of medicine is not yet found a drug that can cure impotence permanently. However, many therapies that can be followed by impotence. And, the result is, quite effective. So do not just take the drug, but must be accompanied by therapy. Oral treatment is also growing like Viagra, treatment through injections and vacuum pumps.

- Myth: Impotence is only a problem guy
Fact: Impotence is not just men's issues. As a couple, the woman should also help overcome the problem of impotence. Start of treatment to accompany the couple to restore his confidence.

- Myth: Men know all about sex
Fact: Many opinions are circulating a man always know things related to sex. However, clinical studies revealed that impotence can occur because of lack of information related to 'mechanism' sex. The misconception that many men there is always talk about explicit sex. Though many men are also difficult to talk about it, so the lack of information about sex.
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Genetic tests, is it necessary?

Each person inherits one gene from the father and one gene from his mother's side. If both genes are relegated to the children is a normal gene, then the child will be normal. If a gene that normally obtained while one gene is a gene that sick again, then the child will live a normal life (do not show symptoms of illness), but he became the bearer of ill nature, because it can reduce the pain of genes to their offspring's future. That man is called a gene carrier sick. Whereas if the child inherited two genes that sick, then he will suffer from a disease called hereditary disease.

Now, Linda Nicholson, MS, MC, Consultant genetics of children's Hospital, Alfred I. DuPont, USA, revealed by genetic tests is not an impossible thing for you and your husband (or future husband), to detect early whether your child will later suffer from a disease that is derived from you or your spouse.

Disease that can be derived through genes, such as thalassemia, Down syndrome, hemophilia, muscular disorders, and congenital hypothyroidism. Surely, you will do everything for chronic diseases is not suffered by the little guy. Because of that, find out how below.

Who needs genetic testing?
- You are in a family there are people with thalassemia, hemophilia, and other hereditary diseases as mentioned earlier.
- You've had a miscarriage as much as 2 times or more.
- You will plan to have children over the age of 35 years.

When to test?
Should the examination be done before the couple married. However, in couples who are married and want to have children, or add the child, is also good if genetic testing for prevention. In addition to adults, genetic tests can also be performed in infants and fetuses that were conceived mother.

How to test
Generally, tests are done by taking blood samples and examine you or your partner to identify the genes sick. For thalassemia disease and hemophilia, detection can be performed at least 10 weeks old fetus. Examined is the DNA of fetal placental samples. Meanwhile, when the fetus has been aged a minimum of 16 weeks, examined DNA from amniotic fluid samples.

Chromosomal abnormalities of Down syndrome disease was detected in infants or fetuses by taking blood from the baby's umbilical cord or placenta tissue samples, or from amniotic fluid. Examination of the fetus carried the pregnancy aged between 10 to 16 weeks.

What if a positive test result?
If that is you and your partner tested, and the result is one (you or your partner) were known to be carriers of the gene while the only pain is normal, then your offspring safe against hereditary disease. At worst, your child's future is just as sick gene carriers.

However, if you and your spouse were both tested positive as carriers of the gene was sick, the doctor will usually hand over the decision to you both, whether the future will have children or not. Because, chances are your child's future offspring will suffer from the disease is 25 percent, 50 percent will become sick gene carriers, 25 percent will be normal (healthy).
Read More - Genetic tests, is it necessary?

Pamper Yourself with Chocolate Spa

After a long holiday of the year, you definitely want the body refreshed. For it never hurts to cover holiday by doing body treatments. Obviously, you want the body that feels stiff and rigid to be fresh and relaxed.

Obviously, the type of chocolate used for the treatment, different from the usual chocolate eaten. But, herb treatments were given chocolate extract. And, it turns out the smell of chocolate, has its own properties. "The smell of chocolate that has a relaxing effect. Its function is itself like aroma therapy, which can cause a sense of calm and comfort, "said one manager Mimi Chocolate Salon & Spa.

For the chocolate cream bath, nutritious healthy pores and soften hair. The smell of chocolate will stick in your hair after crembath. Fragrance like Blackforest cake. In addition to making the body relaxed scent apparently can also cause appetite.

In addition to flavor chocolate cream bath, there is also a cream flavor that's worth a try, the aroma of coffee. Fragrant scent of coffee is very tempting. You also can choose the scent of green tea. If this one, the effect can refresh the body. This option is very fitting for you who are want to restore the spirit.

For spa treatments, you have several packages to choose from. One of them is a special spa package that consists of chocolate brown body scrub, aromatherapy body massage, bath chocolate, chocolate moisturizer, hair spa and chocolate. For the package you will get care for about 2.5 hours. And, there are other packages.

In addition to usual care packages, available also for treatment of a bride. So, for you who will be married before can treat themselves with chocolate. In addition to reducing the tension ahead of the wedding, of course, for your face and skin more radiant when she got married.

So, wait no more. If you usually enjoy the softness of chocolate in the mouth, now you can enjoy the sensation of her soft brown skin and attached to your hair.
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