Detection of cavities Own

Appeal for dental health check once every 6 months to the dentist, is often touted. Surprisingly, many people are actually mengubris this recommendation. Just enter the left ear, right ear out.

In fact, who does not realize is another danger behind cavities. Dara Rosenberg, Head of the Department of Dental and Oral Health at St. Barnabas Hospital, New York, USA, reveal cavities are left in place too long can cause the focus of infection. A chronic infection in one tooth that already exist in a long time, so that could lead to disturbances in other body parts, such as heart, kidney and eye.

Quite scary, is not it? To prevent this, start caring for teeth that are not easily perforated and porous. Actually, what are the causes of cavities, and how to detect early?

- The remains of food left behind and stuck to the teeth by changing the sugar is fermented into organic acids, and if neglected for too long, acid to develop into bacteria that contribute to undermine the tooth.

-Starting from the formation of plaque. When the dental hygiene overlooked, can form plaque on tooth surfaces with ease. Plaque which accumulates resulting in calcification process and cause cavities. Tartar attached to the tooth will become a gathering place for bacteria, which can damage teeth and gum tissue.

Detecting own cavities.
-Explore around the teeth with the tongue. In this way, in fact, may indicate the existence of holes in the teeth. Unfortunately, when it felt the tongue, can be signs of cavities large enough. Often, this situation occurred on molar teeth.

-Often feel pain in the tooth, when eating sweet, sour, or cold temperature, can be a signal you have cavities. To ensure a quick hole in the tooth is checked by a dentist.

-If you experience frequent migrein or stiffness in the neck continuously, and does not heal, you'll want to check the teeth, is there a hole in it. If there is, lest the cavities that the culprits. The condition also can be used as signals worsening of cavities.

Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating!
Brushing your teeth before sleep is very important. Because, during sleep, there is no activity, so the faster the decomposition process occurs. The trick was to be seen. For the bottom teeth brushing movements directed upwards. In contrast, upper teeth directed downward. The goal so that the remaining food that slipped in between the teeth will be clean wasted.

However, Rosenberg warned, do not immediately brush your teeth after every meal. Why? After the meal, fermented food scraps in the form of acidic compounds and create acid atmosphere environment around the teeth. In a few minutes earlier will increase acidity.

When brushing your teeth at the time of the degree of acidity in the mouth is still at critical levels, it can trigger decaltification (loss of calcium salts) on tooth enamel, which allegedly could accelerate tooth decay. So, should postpone brushing teeth immediately after eating, at least about 20-30 minutes after eating.

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